Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

Performance / Study Pathways of G12 Students


Being a school operating under the “through-train” mode, 2016-17 school year is a special one for Pui Kiu College.  The present cohort of G12 students is the first batch of students who have been brought up in our school since G1.  Majority of them have been learning and growing under our “through-train” curriculum. 


2017 HKDSE Examination Results

We are pleased to announce that our G12 students have performed very well in the 2017 HKDSE Examination, which is a vivid demonstration of the effectiveness of “through-train” operation in the nurturing of students.

HKDSE Statistics :

Percentage of students attaining Level 4 or above (i.e. the average subject distinction-credit rate)

61.2%, being well above the territory average of 35.6%

Percentage of students attaining Level 5 or above


Average number of Level 5 or above attained by students


Best results attained by students 


·         1 student attaining Level 5** in 4 subjects and Level 5* in 2 subjects

·         2 students attaining Level 5** in 3 subjects and Level 5* in 2 subjects

Grade point distribution in the best 5 subjects, with core subjects at “3322” or better

[Note: Only grade point ranges pertaining to outstanding results are listed]

Total Grade Points

Percentage of Students

28 – 30

10%, being well above the territory average of 2.3%

31 or above

5%, being well above the territory average of 1.7%


2017 Destination of Graduates : 


Admission into Local Universities

1. Latest situation regarding the admission into local universities through JUPAS (Joint University Programmes Admissions System) :

Percentage of students with JUPAS Offer


Percentage of students with offer of government-funded degree programmes


Percentage of students admitted to The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Percentage of students admitted to The University of Hong Kong


Students with outstanding performance in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination have been admitted into Medicine, Pharmacy, Law and Quantitative Finance programmes.


Admission to Other Prestigious Universities

1. A total of 11 G12 students have been admitted into the 2017-18 undergraduate programmes of prestigious universities through the “Principal’s Nomination Scheme”  in early 2017, including Peking University, Tsinghua University and The University of Nottingham Ningbo China.  


2. More than 10 students further their studies in U.K., USA, Australia, Canada, Germany, etc. The universities giving offers include, but not limited to:



University of Southern California


University of British Columbia


University of Melbourne


The University of Sydney


The University of New South Wales (UNSW)


University of Warwick


University of Sussex


Newcastle University (UK)


University of Glasgow


Technical University of Munich


3. A student achieved 3 A* and 1 A in International Advanced Levels (IAL) and was admitted to University of Oxford. He began his Mathematics degree programme in early September, 2016. Our school is proud of this student’s achievement.


In conclusion, in the year 2016-2017 our school has

·         around 78% of students admitted to different undergraduate programmes in local and overseas universities

·         around 99% of students admitted to local, mainland and overseas universities or college. They will further their studies in bachelor degree programmes, associate degree programmes or other higher education programmes.