Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

2017-2018 Secondary Swimming Gala


Hearing the cheers from the four houses, looking at the splash from the swimmers and seeing swimming caps with the word “puikiu” printed on made me realize that it was the swimming gala. 


This year, four of the houses came up with new slogans to create a refreshing atmosphere and to allow more house members to participate in the cheering. From the slogan to the cheering tools, it was clear that the house committees put great effort into it. 


The swimmers could finally showcase their skills from training. Especially Ho Shun Kit from 8 Maple, he has set new school records in the 50m and 100m breaststroke. 


The four house captains have always been the most popular people at school, and the fact that they were in the same competition brought the atmosphere of the swimming gala to the climax instantly. Although they were competing against each other, they remained friends afterwards. The friendship between them was not affected by the result and it showed the true meaning of sportsmanship. 


It is hope that every swimmer can endow with the same persistent efforts in the next swimming gala, and keep the praiseworthy sportsmanship of the captains. 



10C CHAN Man Hiu


10C CHAN Man Hiu
10C CHAN Shun Yuet


10C CHAN Shun Yuet