Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

Our Multimedia Production Team 
of the Secondary Section was awarded
the Most Innovative Award in the
《Hong Kong Secondary School Brainstorm Competition 2018》


In order to promote the creative industry, allow students to implement their concepts and practice marketing strategy, the Metro Radio and EDB of Hong Kong jointly organize the “The Hong Kong Secondary School Brainstorm Competition”. Students are required to devise and produce a creative commercial video. It is hope that the competition can facilitate the career planning of our students.


The prize presentation ceremony of the above mentioned activity was held at The UA Megabox on 12th July 2018. The production of our school team “Pui Kiu Girls Group”, was awarded “The Most Innovative Award”.

The names of the awardees are as follows:


Liu Candy 10M

Tsang Agnes 10M

Tang Bianca 9C

Lo Ashley 8B

Yeung Tiffany 7P

Fung Melody 7P