Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

2019 HKDSE Examination :  Results Statistics of Pui Kiu College


In this year, 113 G12 students have sat for the HKDSE Examination.    Our G12 students have performed very well in the examination, with record-breaking results.  Their achievement is a vivid demonstration of the effectiveness of “through-train” operation in the nurturing of students.

  1. HKDSE Results Statistics

Percentage of students attaining Level 2 or above (i.e. the average subject passing rate)

99%, being well above the territory average of 85.2%

Percentage of students attaining Level 4 or above (i.e. the average subject distinction-credit rate)

66%, being well above the territory average of 36.5%

There are 15 subjects with distinction-credit rate being 50% or above.

Percentage of students attaining Level 5 or above

32%, being well above the territory average of 13.1%

Average number of Level 5 or above attained by students


Grade point distribution in the best 5 subjects [Note: Only grade point ranges pertaining to outstanding results are listed]

Total Grade Points

Number of Students

Percentage of Students

28 – 30

15 students

13.3%, being well above the territory average of 2.6%

31 or above

6 students

5.3%, being well above the territory average of 1.6%

Total :

21 students

18.6%, being well above the territory average of 4.2%

  1. Outstanding Results Attained by Our Students

Number of subjects with Level 5**

Number of Students

6 subjects

1 student; 

Attaining Level 5** in 6 subjects and Level 5* in 1 subjects; 

Being one of the “Bangyan” of 2019 HKDSE Examination

4 subjects

1 student;

Attaining Level 5** in 4 subjects and Level 5* in 2 subjects 

3 subjects

1 student;

Attaining Level 5** in 3 subjects, Level 5* in 1 subject and Level 5 in 2 subjects

2 subjects

4 students

1 subject

15 students

Total :

22 students