Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

New School Founded by Pui Kiu Education Foundation in Shenzhen Longhua


On 10 February, 2021, the Contract Signing Ceremony of Pui Kiu College Xinyi School (Shenzhen Longhua) cum the Kick-off Ceremony was conducted on a video conference on internet between Hong Kong and Shenzhen concurrently. This event marked the first exemplary school of the integration of Hong Kong-Shenzhen education in Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area entering the construction phase. The Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR, Mrs. Carrie Lam and The Secretary of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, Mr. Weizhong Wang attended the Conference. They both witnessed the success of the Ceremony and delivered their speeches.



Pui Kiu College Xinyi School (Shenzhen Longhua), expected to commence on 1 September, 2021, is co-founded by Xinyi Group and Pui Kiu College. The Chief Executive stated in her speech that more and more Hong Kong residents are now working and living in Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area. It creates an urgent need to provide education for the children born to Hong Kong residents in this area. Pui Kiu Education Foundation and Xinyi Group in Shenzhen have collaborated to set up a school in Mainland China and aimed to provide education with high quality for those children. This project represents an important milestone for the education development in Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area as well as a major social live hood project regarding the collaboration between Hong Kong SAR and Shenzhen Government.


The new school will be conveniently located near the Shenzhenbei Station, which is a 19-minute high speed train journey from Kowloon Station. The floor area and the construction area of the school are 42500 m2 and 157800 mrespectively. The teaching mode will be the same as the one adopted in Pui Kiu College in Hong Kong. Both schools will share the teaching materials, teaching quality control mechanisms and so on. This project provides a platform for the interchange of students in Hong Kong and Shenzhen as well as employment opportunities on the mainland for the youths of Hong Kong. It really creates favorable conditions for the mutual connection and communication of the youths in Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area.




If you want to enroll your child to our school, please click the following link for more details.