Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

2021 HKDSE Examination : 
Results Statistics of Pui Kiu College


In this year, 118 G12 students have sat for the HKDSE Examination.    Our G12 students have performed very well in the examination.  Their achievement is a vivid demonstration of the effectiveness of “through-train” operation in the nurturing of students.


1. HKDSE Results Statistics

Percentage of students attaining Level 2 or above (i.e. the average subject passing rate)

97%, being well above the territory average of 85.4%

Percentage of students attaining Level 4 or above (i.e. the average subject distinction-credit rate)

68%, being well above the territory average of 36.6%

Out of 17 subjects, there are 16 subjects with distinction-credit rate being 50% or above.

Percentage of students attaining Level 5 or above

29%, being well above the territory average of 13.2%

Average number of Level 5 or above attained by students



2. Outstanding Results Attained by Our Students

Number of subjects with Level 5**

Number of Students

4 subjects

2 students :

1 student attaining Level 5** in 4 subjects and Level 5* in 3 subjects;

1 student attaining Level 5** in 4 subjects, Level 5* in 2 subjects  and Level 5 in 1 subject

3 subjects

2 students :

1 student attaining Level 5** in 3 subjects, Level 5* in 1 subject and Level 5 in 1 subject;

1 student attaining Level 5** in 3 subjects and Level 5 in 3 subjects

1 or 2 subjects

15 students

Total :

19 students


Students with the outstanding performance in DSE this year


Students obtained 5** in four and three subjects