Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

Achievements of the invincible Secondary school
English debate team


Recently, our Secondary school English debate team won several games in the debating competitions. Participants were highly praised and recognized by the judge. Details are as following table:



School of the opponent



Members of our school

Teachers in charge


29 OCT

1st Round of Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (HKSSDC)

Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School

Biofuel production should be banned

11B Siu Pui Ki, Tse Hoi Ching, Wan Sheung Yu


(These students were highly praised by the judge)

Teacher Brenda CHOI Wan Ni, Grace CHAN Ming Chu

14 NOV

1st Round of the 36th
Sing Dao  Inter-school Debating Competition

Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College

The pros of the Youth Hostel Scheme outweigh its cons

11B Siu Pui Ki, Tse Hoi Ching, Wan Sheung Yu


(* Our student,
Wan Sheung Yu was awarded the best Debater and the best Interrogative Speaker)




Left to right: 11B Siu Pui Ki, Tse Hoi Ching, Wan Sheung Yu