Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

The Opening of Kindergarten Indicates the Beginning of the Second Phase Development of Pui Kiu Education Foundation Since the Handover in 1997


The opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony of Hazelwood Kindergarten & International Nursery (“the kindergarten”) was held on 8th May, 2021. The guests of honor, including Mr. He Jinhui, Director of the Liaison Office’s Department of Educational, Dr. Choi Yuk Lin, Under Secretary for Education, Education Bureau, Mr. Tsang Yok-sing, Vice-President of Pui Kiu Education Foundation, Mr. Chau Sai Yiu, Supervisor Principal of the Kindergarten, different school managers and leaders of the local education sector, attended the inauguration in person to congratulate. After the ceremony, Ms. YIP Shuk Kuen Sulina, Principal of the Kindergarten, accompanied the guests on a tour of the campus facilities. 




As the latest member of the Pui Kiu Education Foundation, the Communication Department and Music Panel of Pui Kiu College organized a workshop on the school song for the staff of the kindergarten, so that they can be familiarized with the relevant history of the Pui Kiu Education Foundation. Students of the kindergarten also sang the school song together with the parents, teachers and guests in the opening ceremony.