Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

Representatives of Pui Kiu College participated in Beijing - Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Cup - Student Formula Coding Competition 


The Second Beijing - Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Cup and Student Formula Coding Competition was held online on 27th November, 2020. Together with Wah Yan College, Kowloon, Pui Kiu College participated in the live streaming in Beijing. This activity was hosted by the Beijing Science and Technology Development Exchange Centre,  co-hosted by the Beijing No.35 High School. Around 70 outstanding youth, educational experts and organizations’ representatives also participated in this event. 


Around 70 youth creators from Beijing and Hong Kong underwent 2 months of training. They learnt about the development of pilotless electric drive and engaged in theoretical knowledge training and practicable tests. They formed into 10 teams after training. They were required to assemble and adjust the mini electric drive and competed in a designated racecourse.