Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

EP 1 Seminar on Future Studies by Hok Yau Club – Definition and the importance of Life Planning


Our school values the future studies and career prospects of our students and organizes various career and life planning related events regularly. Our school Career Guidance Team was honored to invite Mr. Ng Po Shing, Student Counsellor of the Hok Yau Club, to film 3 episodes with the Campus TV in order to share information with our students.


In the sharing, Mr. Ng clarified the definition of life planning, putting a strong emphasis on the importance of being visionary and understanding the levels of abilities in different domains. Students should also strive from ‘wide to narrow’ and ‘close to afar’ in order to seek the direction of their future development.


Life planning involves different stages of one’s life. It is a dynamic and continuous process. The importance is thus self-evident. Students should humbly seek advice from parents and teachers and plan their future diligently.