Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

Liaison Office Director of the Central People's Government Zheng Yanxiong visited Pui Kiu College


On 13 July 2023, Liaison Office Director Zheng Yanxiong visited Pui Kiu College. Mr. Chau Sai Yiu, Director of Development at Pui Kiu Education Foundation, Principal Wu Yuk Chi of Pui Kiu College introduced Director Zheng to the history and development of Pui Kiu Education Foundation, as well as the outstanding achievements of Pui Kiu College throughout its 18 years of establishment. 


Director Zheng also visited the school library, where students from the primary and secondary sections showcased the school’s effort in promoting Chinese cultural heritage and STEAM education. In the school gymnasium, Director Zheng greeted the teachers and students who were participating in an activity.


After touring the campus, Director Zheng highly praised the beautiful campus environment and excellent academic achievements of Pui Kiu College. He encouraged the school to continue building on previous experiences, further enhancing development, and nurturing students into virtuous and intelligent pillars of society.

Also accompanying the visit were Xiao Youmei, Director of the Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong SAR; Lei Haiqiu, Minister of the Research Department, and Wang Weiming, Minister of the Education Technology Department.