Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

2015 Carnival / Variety Shows 


13 December was a balmy winter day with occasional light breezes, an excellent timing for holding outdoor activities. The campus of the college was ablaze with laughter and excitement, full of lively atmosphere. Crowds of students, parents and teachers were busying themselves with the final decoration work of the Carnival.

The whole event was held on the ground floor. To the left was the temporary performing stage with more than 400 seats for the variety shows. In the middle was the area for reception and jumble sale.

At the back was the area designated for the kids: the bouncy castles. To the right was the fun fair, comprising more than 60 game booths organized by different clubs.

More than 6000 visitors, including students, parents, alumni and teaching staff, participated in the event that day.