Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

Tree Planting Ceremony for Pui Kiu College’s 10th Anniversary Celebration


A tree planting ceremony as part of the 10th anniversary celebration was held at Pui Kiu College on 12 November 2015. Guest of honours of the ceremony included Mr. CHAU Sai Yiu, Pui Kiu Education Foundation CEO; Mr WU Yuk Chi, Principal of Pui Kiu College; Dr LAW Hing Chung, Founding Principal of Pui Kiu College; Mr. CHENG Shu Sum, Chairman of the PTA of Pui Kiu College and Ms LEUNG Shu Har, Parent Manager of School Management Committee. Student representatives from Secondary and Primary Sections were invited to be present at this saplings planting event at the secondary section’s sports ground. This event is inspired by the saying that while it takes (only) ten years for a plant to become a tree, it takes one hundred years to bring up a child to become a talented adult. It envisions that our students would develop in the same prosperous manner as the sapling trees.