Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

School History Gallery 



The School History Gallery was located on the 4th floor with the total area of about 800 square feet. The room was divided into different sections, such as Board Display Area, Audio-visual Area, Exhibits Display Area etc. Different columns were set up for different themes of the school history as follows:


 “Phoenix at Birth”

 Introduction of the Sponsoring Body, School Missions and Objectives

 “Phoenix Ascending”

 Description of the Preparation Work for the Foundation of the College  and the Establishment of  the Teaching Team

 “Phoenix’s  Highlights”

 Introduction of the Main Events in the Ten Years

  “Phoenix’s Flames /      Achievements”

 Record of the Achievements of Teaching and Learning

 “Phoenix’ Life”

 Depiction of the School Life and Different Inter-schools and Intra-school  Competitions

 “Phoenix Soaring”

 Presentation of Anniversary Events and Education Activities

 “Phoenix’s Outlook” 

 Brief Account of the School Development in the Future