Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

The School Commencement Ceremony of 2016 - 2017


The school commencement ceremony of 2016 – 2017 was held on 2nd September, 2016. Our school supervisor, Mr. Tsang Yok Sing Jasper, elicited the spirits of the athletes in the Rio Olympic to stress that we should all strive hard to reach the goal. Our Principal, Mr. WU Yuk Chi, introduced the new teachers of this school year and extended a warm welcome to them on behalf of the Pui Kiu family.


In the ceremony, Mr. Tsang presented the Excellent Performance in HKDSE Award to the students. This year, we are honored to have the founding Principal of our school, Dr. LAW Hing Chung, to establish and present the Outstanding Scholar Award. This award is given to students who will further their study in either Peking University, Tsinghua University, Harvard University, Yale University, Cambridge University or Oxford University. This year, G11 CHONG Chun Ho, who will be joining the Mathematics Faculty of the Oxford University, received this prize from Dr. LAW Hing Chung himself.