Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

2016 Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition Secondary Section PUI KIU COLLEGE


Our school’s English debating team won the debating competition, which was organized by the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition, in Division 1 (EMI Division) in round 2 on 25thNovember, 2016. The motion was ‘The house believes that the Hong Kong Government should significantly increase financial incentives for families to have children’. Our senior-form team was the negative team and the positive team was Kau Yan College (Tai Po). The team comprising 8C Chan Tsz Yan, 10B Damian Ma and 10C Mandy Lau demonstrated top-notch debating skills in the competition. Damian Ma from 10B also won the best speaker in the match. Thanks to teacher Brenda and teacher Heidi.