Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

2 students were admitted Universities through “Principal nomination scheme”


Since the October of 2013, the world-renowned Peking University and Tsinghua University have introduced “Principal nomination scheme”. The scheme is to invite students from top-banding secondary schools in Hong Kong exclusively to attend their degree programme in these two universities. In this year, our school together with other prestige schools in Hong Kong have nominated over hundreds of students to enter this scheme. We are much honored to have two students being selected by Peking University and Tsinghua University respectively to join their degree programmes in coming October.


The interview procedure remains vividly in Patrick’s mind

The delegation of Peking University had come to Hong Kong and conducted an interview with the applicants in order to understand their academic performance and their reasons for pursing their studies in China. With outstanding result and exceptional interview performance, Patrick Tan Changhang from 12 Cotton received the invitation from the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering of Peking University. When being asked about the interview process, Patrick said the scene was still embedded in his mind sharply.


‘I never imagined myself able to attend one of the elite universities of China when I first came to Pui Kiu College. Peking University is among the world’s finest and also a milestone of the education history of China. The university also echoes with our school’s dedication to inherit the essence of both Chinese and Western culture. This is also the reason why I would like to further my study in Peking University.


I was thrilled to be selected for the nomination scheme. During the interview, my perspective was widened by all the talents from all over the world. I was at first startled by the professors’ questions. I was only able to withstand the straining process with the company of my teachers. The feeling of excitement and satisfaction cannot be put into words when I received the admission confirmation. Pui Kiu College has laid the groundwork of my academic success. I am always grateful for the unlimited support and help from all my teachers and the school.’ (12 Cotton Patrick Tan Changhang)


The school sheds light on Tiffany’s academic dream

To have a better picture of students’ academic ability and personality, Tsinghua University invited the nominees to attend a week-long experience camp in Beijing in July 2016. With distinguished performance and extensive international perspective, Tiffany Lai Kai Wing from 12 Birch is admitted to the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication.


‘I was first attracted by Tsinghua University not just because of its status as one of the top universities. It was also because of its exquisite campus and the emphasis on self-disciplined and social commitment. With the guidance of Pui Kiu College, I was able to gear towards this goal and turned my distant dream into reality.


Last summer was the first time I set foot in the campus of Tsinghua University. I thoroughly enjoyed the time of interacting and exchanging ideas with the elites from different provinces all over China. I can remember distinctly the time when I was in formal dressing and walked towards the examiners. I was very nervous yet eager to share with the examiners what I have prepared for.  The questions raised by the professors were very challenging but the school had adequately equipped me for it. I was simply overjoyed when I received the letter of acceptance.


My sincere gratitude goes to the school and my teachers. They provide immense opportunities and support in which my bright future is now all set.  I will hold onto the spirit of Pui Kiu College even when I begin the new chapter of my study in Tsinghua University.’ (12 Birch Tiffany Lai Kai Wing)