Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

G5 Performance


Students at Pui Kiu College have weekly English Performing Arts (EPA) lessons. These EPA lessons provide students with a chance to bring the English language to stage. In G1 and G2, EPA is integrated with the English language curriculum so as to create a deeper understanding of what is learnt during English lessons. In EPA, Students revisit texts and themes learnt in English lessons through song, dance, chant, choral reading and drama. In G3 and G4, EPA lessons are split into four elements of voice, movement, music and drama. In these classes, students are given many opportunities to develop their performing skills which culminate in the annual Grade 5 year-end big performance.

The Story Of Us is set at a teacher training camp, where young teachers-in-training are given words of wisdom from their elders, told in three interwoven stories that explore themes of diligence, self-esteem and overcoming discrimination.

The Story of Us is an embodiment of all the elements we have had in our previous performances. It has song, dance, drama and not one original story, but three original stories, linked by common characters who are training to be teachers. Each Grade 5 student also has a speaking part and everyone gets to sing, dance and rock!