Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

Pui Kiu College Leadership Training Camp in Beijing Held Successfully


From August 13th to August 18th, 2023, the " China Merchants Foundation - Pui Kiu College Leadership Training Camp in Beijing", organized by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Society, sponsored by the China Merchants Charity Foundation, and undertaken by the China Merchants Culture and Palace Museum Research Team, was successfully held. Thirty-two students and teachers from Pui Kiu College went to Beijing for a six-day-five-night exchange trip. During this period, the students visited various places such as the Palace Museum, the Genfire Innovative Park of CAS, Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University High School and the China Merchants Logistics Building. They also watched wonderful folk drama performances and participated in a series of thematic and rich research and practical activities.



In this exchange program, students engaged in "independent research-based learning". They independently conceived research reports and attempted to plan their own itineraries, greatly improving their organization skills, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities. Through on-site interviews and investigations, teachers and students experienced the charm of traditional Chinese culture up close. In the process of appreciating the great achievements of the country's modernization, they gained a comprehensive understanding of the latest development in the capital city of Beijing and their motherland, enhancing their patriotic sentiments and sense of belonging. Many students expressed that through experiential learning, they had the opportunity to interact with local residents and feel the enthusiasm of the people in the capital. They personally experienced the differences between Beijing and Hong Kong, and were deeply attracted to the city by its authentic human interactions.