Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

Pui Kiu College’s annual National Day celebration


It was the Pui Kiu College’s annual National Day celebration. This year, both primary and secondary sections organized a variety of exciting activities and everyone had a great time.

Firstly, our primary students played games under the guidance of their “siblings” from the secondary section. The secondary students’ hard work in designing the game was rewarded with the primary student’s giggles and sniggers. The atmosphere was lightened up by the students’ bright smile. With all the students in unison, Pui Kiu Collage’s sprite of “passing the fire” will definitely be brought to bear.

The traditional Chinese art always claims a special place in the art world because of its unique style. With the spirit of the National Day celebration, the primary students had a taste of the art world by making different handicrafts. All the students made the artwork with great endeavor. In addition to the vibrant colors from their work, the students also illustrate their hope towards themselves, our school, and our country through the handicrafts.

Students across the grades made different crafts with reference to Chinese culture, such as making national flags and national fans.

Through making different crafts, students had deepened their understanding of China and experienced its profound traditions, and thereby added a cultural touch to the celebration.

G1 Making National Flags

The students who had just joined the Pui Kiu family were drawing the National flags with all their attention and they looked intently into their work. After finishing the flags, the G1 students all waved it in unity and created a lively scene.

G2 Making National Day cheerleading sticks

The students all wrote “Happy Birthday to our motherland” on their cheerleading sticks and celebrated National Day with all their hearts.

G3 Making National Day auspicious pinwheels

The students made the pinwheels to express their thanks towards their motherland, as if the students were trying to send all their blessings to China when they blow on the pinwheels.

G4 Making National Day Fans

The students drew patterns related to China on their respective flags; students showed great care about their motherland and were always concerned about the news of China.

G5 & 6 National Day Games

The two grades had participated in competitions in the cover playground separately. Through cheering for each other, the students showed unity in parallel to how different ethnic groups are being united in China.

China has a long and deep-rooted culture, students showed their blessings to China in National Day through the absorbing activities with relation to China’s profound culture.

The solemn secondary school hall was turned into an arena filled with laughter on the National Day celebration. Teachers and students alike are invited on stage to experience the leader of word games ---- letter puzzles and expressions, which also enhanced students’ understanding of the wisdom of China’s traditional culture.

The students from the primary section are gathered in the cover playground to conduct the greatest event of this year’s celebration – the National Day choir. When the prelude of “Country” and “Great China” were sounded, the students all went breathless and ready to send their blessing to the motherland through their singing, with the hopes of showing the most beautiful side of China through the stirring music.

The scattered innocent laughers and fervent blessings to China from all grades in every corner on campus signified the success of our National Day celebration.