Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

Swimming gala 2016


Summer vacation has recently passed, and with open arms the arrival of the Swimming gala was welcomed with joy.


The swimming gala has always been a place full of sportsmanship and anticipation. It is a ‘’battleground” where the four houses of PKC compete for scoring the highest amount of house points.


Students are seen cheering encouragements from the spectator stand.  Some eager students, who hope to bring positivity to participants of the competition, go greet the participants in their respective waiting areas.


Charismatic students can be seen presenting prizes on the podium. While medalists are captured having ginormous smiles plastered on their faces, it’s a shame that others rarely do know the efforts that each of medalists put into training.  That the medals that hang on their chest were exchanged with leisure time sacrificed for intensive training. From this, we should be reminded of the true value of hard work.


It is known that competitions are often the breeding ground of achievers and underdogs. However, we must keep in mind that competitions are not merely joined for the sake of receiving honour and glory, but also to challenge oneself against one’s own limits.

The participants can be seen putting their every effort in the competitions. Trying to stay strong throughout the hardships they face as their housemates give them unlimited support. Humble attitudes are often found throughout the sportsground as sportsmen of PKC find themselves reflecting upon their own performance while willing themselves to challenge their capabilities again with a hopeful mindset.


Another highlight of the swimming gala is the House Slogan Competition which is regarded with much importance to the four houses. During the competition, spectators from each house are sighted yelling and screaming slogans for their respective houses, portraying magnificent scene of teamwork.


The swimming gala has officially marked the start of our school year. It is hoped that all four houses of PKC can achieve outstanding results in the following house competitions and maintain positive mindsets.