Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report

Mr Paul Chan Mo-po talks Hong Kong’s future planning with Pui Kiu Students


Last December, grade 11 students of our school were invited by M21 Youth Space to attend “Policy online: Hong Kong’s future planning with Mr Paul Chan Mo-po” (《施政online:陳茂波與青年談香港未來規劃》) with the then Development Secretary Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, aimed at giving students a chance to speak with Chan Mo-po in person about Hong Kong’s future planning and land development after 2030.

2030+ talks about Hong Kong’s land development woes, directly related to the topics of sustainable development and living standards, a key part of our Liberal Studies curriculum named “Hong Kong Today” (今日香港). In addition, the topic’s close relation with the youth’s future standard of living prompted many students to participate and learn how the current land policy is closely entwined with Hong Kong’s future development. All in all, discussing land policy helps our students in understanding the views of different shareholders in this matter, such as the conflict between social-economic development and the environment, and the conflict between personal and collective interests. From this, our students were able to comprehensively analyse the pros and cons of Hong Kong’s future land development, and contemplate Hong Kong’s social issues from all aspects.

In this workshop, our students were able to have an unabridged sharing with the Development Secretary, with Mr. Paul sincerely and candidly answering each and every question our enthusiastic students asked.



11M HO Hiu Yan Gian


11M CHAN Tsz Ying
11M HO Kwan Yu Dennis


11B CHOW Lai Shun