Within Pui Kiu College, students should develop knowledge and skills in the areas of life science,
physical science, and chemistry. At each grade level, topics in earth/space, life science, chemistry,
and physical science are interconnected to show students the relationships that exist among the
sciences, technology, society, and the natural world. This is best experienced through open-ended,
hands-on inquiry that promotes student-generated questions that result in children thinking and
acting like a scientist.
A variety of education programmes will be held to enhance students’ understanding and awareness
of our natural environment, e.g. “Oceanographer”, “Marine discovery”, “Mangrove Field Study”
and “Astronomical Activities", etc. Students will also use computer technology as a tool to support
learning in existing curriculum areas and in many forms including inquiry, communication,
expression, and construction. In some learning programmes, e.g. “International Students
Virtual Conference” and “Knowledge Forum”, students are challenged to think independently,
to use their natural curiosity to investigate the world and to gain the skills to communicate with others.
Besides, some learning programmes, e.g. “Butterfly Explorer”, “Renewable Energy & Solar Model
Car Challenge”, “Mad Science”, “Young Scientists Club”, and “Robot Challenge” etc. are designed to
cater for the learning needs of outstanding and talented students in a variety of situations.
Thus, students will:
• understand and appreciate the workings of their natural and physical environment, and develop
an interest in and enjoyment from the study of science;
• demonstrate substantial knowledge of facts, concepts, conceptual networks, and process skills
tthat enable them to continue to learn and think logically;
• understand how science, technology, society and environment are interrelated and use this
knowledge in everyday decision making, and develop an attitude of responsible citizenship,
including respect for the environment and wise use of resources.