Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report
Chinese Orchestra (Secondary) won the Silver Award
Chinese Orchestra (Secondary) won the Silver Award On 30 November (Thursday), our school Chinese Orchestra (Secondary) participat... secondary_silver_award_
Multimedia Production Team representative from the Secondary Section is on-air through RTHK “Rightablewrong” program
The crew of our champion product “Over Rush’’, Digi To, Cherry Tsang, Jason Kung and Matthew Cheung were interviewed in the RTHK2 pr...
The Halloween celebration, jointly organized by the Student Union and the Four Houses received overwhelming response
The Halloween celebration, jointly organized by the Student Union and the Four Houses received overwhelming response from participants. This year,...
Secondary school English debate team won the game in the second round of Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition
Secondary school English debate team won the game in the second round of Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition On 22nd Novem...
Secondary school senior English debate team won the first round of HKSSDC Debating Competition PUI KIU COLLEGE
Secondary school senior English debate team won the first round of HKSSDC Debating Competition Our school’s English Debate Team w...
School Sports Team Summer Training & Exchange Tour
School Sports Team Summer Training & Exchange Tour Our school endeavors to provide students with diverse learning opportunities so ...
The delegation of Education Bureau partook in exchange with the teachers and students of Pui Kiu College PUI KIU COLLEGE
The delegation of Education Bureau partook in exchange with the teachers and students of Pui Kiu College Secretary for Education, Mr. K...
2018 Performance / Study Pathways of G12 Students
2018 HKDSE Examination Results Our G12 students have performed very well in the 2018 HKDSE Examination, which is a vivid demonstration of the ef...
Ostin Cheung from the School Badminton Team (Secondary) won the Outstanding Student Athlete Award PUI KIU COLLEGE
Ostin Cheung from the School Badminton Team (Secondary) won the Outstanding Student Athlete Award On 29th June, 2018, Ostin Cheung, tea...
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