Focus Report
Position: HOMESCHOOL NEWSFocus Report
10th Anniversary Logo and Mascot Design
10th Anniversary Logo and Mascot Design As part of our school’s 10 th anniversary celebrations, students and parents were invited to partici...
School History Gallery
School History Gallery The School History Gallery was located on the 4th floor with the total area of about 800 square feet....
2015 Carnival / Variety Shows
2015 Carnival / Variety Shows 13 December was a balmy winter day with occasional light breezes, an excellent timing for...
Interview with Mr. Tsang Yok Sing, supervisor
Interview with Mr. Tsang Yok Sing, supervisor Ten students from G7 and G9 conducted an interview with Mr. Tsang Yok Sin...
Chinese New Year Celebration
Chinese New Year Celebration Date: 7 March 2014 A series of festive events were held for our primary and secondary students to ...
Xi An Historical Exchange Tour (G4 to G6)
Xi An Historical Exchange Tour (G4 to G6) Our school endeavours to provide students with diverse learning opportunities so as to enrich...
G12 Farewell Function
G12 Farewell Function Date: 19 January 2014 The 3rd G12 Farewell function was held on 19 January 2014 and...
G5 Performance
G5 Performance Students at Pui Kiu College have weekly English Performing Arts (EPA) lessons. These EPA lessons provide students with a...
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